Kegal Ball Reviews
These are the third kegal balls I purchased. The first ones I got were recommend for beginners and they were far to big and hard to get out. Really not a work out for my vagina in any way shape or form. So I ordered smaller heavier ones. These are one of those sets. the only problem I have is if I leave them in me and lay down they roll up in me and if I get dry they get stuck. I had to have my bf fish them out once. If you want a good set of balls that are not pricey, check these babies out! Or these pink ones at eden fantasy Also read my review I did for amazon below. The top review is for the silver balls. The bottom is my eden fantasy review of the pink balls. You may prefer the pink ones if you are a beginner, since they are a little larger. But both have similar weight. The silver is 22.4g and the pink is 24.

Review of danity silver balls: I got this balls awhile ago and I love them, they are the perfect size. Not to big like some. These are actually a challage, really gives my vagina a work out. They are pretty heavy and small so I just use one at a time right now, until I build up my strength. I love that they come with this cute case also. I would recommend these. The only thing I would do different is I would prefer if they had another ball inside of them, like some legal balls, because I enjoy the feeling that produces. But besides that these are perfect. Love them!!! Review of pink silicone kegal balls: Overall, I think these are the perfect weights for building your vaginal floor muscles. They're not so big that they aren't a challenge, they are the perfect size. Also, the weight is perfect they are a challenge to keep in, but not overly heavy that they keep coming out. I think these are great for beginners, I have two kids and I am a beginner and these work great. Only thing I would make different is I would put mini balls within each ball. Pros: Perfect size and weight. Easy to get in and out. A challenge to hold in, but not overly so. Cons: I think its a bummer that there is not balls inside the balls. I first grabbed these balls because of the size, plus it wasn't just plain silver like a lot of the smaller ones. I love the cute pink color. The size and weight also are perfect. They are easy to clean, and the seam isn't real prominent so that's nice. I have multiple sets of Kegel balls the first two sets I got were suggested by the retail clerk at my local sex shop and they were large,and had a plastic string to pull them out. I had to lube them to put them in and if I dried out it would be painful to take out. So I felt the need for a smaller ball, I would've liked it better if they had a pull-string, but really its fine without it. I like to play with myself before putting them in to get some natural lubrication and then also before taking them out. I get myself moist and squeeze them out while also pushing them out with a finger. One inside is perfect; it isn't really hard to keep it in, unless I am real wet. Having two inside at the same time is a real challenge. I really have to use my muscles to keep them in. I have two kids and these are really the perfect size. I've also tried putting one inside during sex just for a different sensation for my man and I. I don't really prefer that though.Overall, I think these are great for their purpose; they are the ones I choose to use. I would prefer if they had a pull-string. Also, if they had balls within the balls it would be nice, because of the sensation that it produces would cause your vagina to contract naturally. But I like these balls and I would recommend them to others! I can't really think of any problems with them, maybe if you have a real weak pelvic floor or a wider vagina, then maybe you would need larger balls. But for the most part I think these would be perfect for almost all newbies!!