Got my package today, reviews coming soon!

So today I got this package in the mail, all of them are things I wanted! I had sent the lady a list of everything they sell that was of interest to me, and she picked and choose what she wanted me to review from that list. I got the g motion rabbit, a wonder wabbit, crush clitoral vibe, an electroshock wheel. Also I got a real feel suction cup dildo which is a lot bigger then i was expecting, which is a bummer I would have fell in love if it was more my size, but I'll make it work!! So keep reading for some awesome reviews!!! :-)

Now for those of you who are secretive this is not the place to order for you. Since the name is blasted on the side. Good thing I am honest with my parents, since I had this shipped to my fathers house. I live with my boyfriends family, and now they would freak out (that is if they knew what pipedream was, or were bored enough to find out) But there website really is for distributor purchases. So the everyday sex toy buyer would be buying their products from another site such as or at a store in town, like De Ja Vu love boutique or Hustler Hollywood! Those company's do keep the purchase more incognito. But if you are a blogger, and you don't tell your roommates or neighbors what you do, you may not want a review box from pipedream!
Also I know a lot of people are not fans of some of the more tasteless/tacky items they release. Calling them sexist, raciest, and other things. But really I don't have a problem with them. They may do things in bad in an attempt to be funny. I can't judge them for them, I myself sometimes have the same problem with doing things that are in poor taste! But hey apologize, move on. Forgive and forget! They do release some good items that are affordable, perfect for the college student who is experimenting or the couple who is lower-middle class and can't afford to get a luxury vibe, but still wants a good time!
I love PipeDream they are one of the first company's I purchased a toy from when I was 18 years old! They are also one of the 1st to give me a shot, as a new blogger and product reviewer! For that I am forever grateful and a fan who will defend them to the end! (Loyality it is in my nature!)