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Blogger Q&A

What’s your blog name/online handle and how did you come up with the idea?

Well it was actually hard, I wanted to keep my old handle from everything which is Fashi0nablyNumb and that is from lyrics to an Icarus Line song. But it just didn't feel like it worked. I wanted something easy to remember &that is not. Then randomly as I was playing with names like Shines Boudoir, Lilith came to me and that just felt right. Since according to Jewish folklore, Lilith is the incarnation of lust, causing men to be led astray! It just feels right! If I ever do porn my stage name would be Lilith, so I decided that would be my blog alter ego!! So Lilith's Toy Room was born!! Toy Box was going to be my choice but I review books as well, and I wouldn't have those in a toy box, but I would have them in a room!! ;-)

Where do you live in? San Diego County, California in the USA How long have you been sex blogging? A year!! Why did you start a sex blog or reviewing sex toys? I was watching LoveHoney's TV show Frisky Business and discovered sex blogging was a thing! I had already been commenting on toys that I had, on store websites, but I never thought to do it in a blog!

I have such a picky pussy I figured I could be of help to women who like me, have a hard time finding a toy that brings them joy! Instead of them spending hard earned cash or something that won't do the trick, I can try them first and let them know what its then they can make an informed decision!

I also was never one to really masturbate. I would say, "that is why I have a boyfriend." I also could not orgasm. I couldn't relax, focus, let go or get out of my head. I also didn't know what I liked. I wanted to and really I needed to learn more about my body, and sex toy reviewing has allowed me the opportunity to get to know my lady bits and learn how to enjoy myself & has given me a reason to masturbate! What’s your favorite thing about blogging? I love writing and sharing. I always enjoyed keeping journals when I was a teen, I really enjoyed, and this is like a journal but for adults! Do you use social media? If so, where can we find you? Twitter @fashi0nablynumb Do your friends know you’re a sex blogger? Yes, and my family also! My family is amazing and chill. My dad took me to a audition at the Main Attraction Strip Club when I was 21. My mother got me so many sex education/puberty books when I was growing up, she even had dope books from the 60s/70s that I still have. I grew up with penthouse, hustler, easy-rider, and playboy magazines in magazine racks in my living room/bathroom. Nudity and sexuality was normal, and because it was normal I think its why I have always been passionate about the subject, because its so taboo to others! Do you take part in any blog memes? If so, which ones? Sinful Sunday, Friday Boobday, HedoVibes! Will you still be blogging in 5 years time? I would like to be! I want to blow up and become a sex blog goddess, like Cara Sutra and Sunny Megatron! Even if I stay stuck where I am working for a eye doctor, if I am doing good blogging and getting enjoyment from it and/or making money then yah, absolutely I will continue this as long as I can! But if I am not moving forward or getting any where doing this. Then I will just close up shop, and leave it for the pros! If not already a professional blog: would you say you’re looking to earn a living from blogging eventually, or will it remain a hobby? I would love if I could make this into a profession and actually do something that I love everyday and get paid for it. I am wanting to become a sex/addiction consular and/or sex/health educator! That would make me happy, but so would being a full time professional sex blogger, I sure wouldn't dread getting up every morning! Tell us about three other bloggers you admire, and why. -Oh Joy Sex Toy- She is actually my favorite, I love her comic strips. I actually make sure to go to her site every Tuesday. She is an amazing artist, and one of the first blogs I started following. -Epiphora- I went back and read her blog way back to the beginning and she started off simple like me. Now is such an amazing writer with a great sense of humor. She also has made this a career. She is my role model! I -Penny- Her photography is just WOW. I also feel like she is so brave showing herself completely in her photos...I haven't got the guts. Also the vibe she gives off in her photos &writing, she just seems lovely like someone I could be friends with!

If you review sex toys, what are the top three toys you wish you could get your hands on next? Tantus Rumble, sybian, any duel density product!!! I also am interested in the Fleshlight Frankenstein cock, for its texture. Who is your favorite adult shopping company, and why? De Ja Vu Love Boutique, its the one closest to my home and it is so classy, so much good high quality stuff. They have free coffee and tea. Its set up so under 18 can buy costumes/corsets, condoms, lube.Then the other side is all the 18+ toys and movies! The do adult Easter egg hunts every year and each egg is a code and that code = a prize. You do have to spend 10$ to play and there is a 2 egg minimum per person. I only got a marijuana leaf shaped ash tray and a bottle of spunk silicone lube. But hey free is free. They did have a lot of other amazing prizes I could have got...maybe next year!!!

Do you prefer blogging fictional erotica, real life sex anecdotes or factual based content such as reviews and advice guides? I don't know if I have the skill to write fictional erotica, maybe someday because I do enjoy reading it and have the inspiration! But I am definitely more into writing about what I know, I have read so many sexual health books and I am ready to share my knowledge. I also got into this for writing about my experiences real life situations and play time, toy use! Also I want to share books I have read with the world so other people can get the knowledge I have been feeding my brain since the age 13!!!

I do wish I would have started this when I was promiscuous in my late teens,early twenty's. Then I could have kept a blog on sexcapades and rated the boys and the experience that would have been fun!! I do have a journal with all their names and a 1-5 rating on there skill, and a rate of there cock size. haha. I could use that as reference, and write on the memorable ones. Start a Slutty-Sexcapade-Saturday!

Share with us a funny or interesting experience that’s happened to you in the course of your blogging. I haven't really had any...well I guess this counts as something. Its a prime example of my luck. I had been having a little bit of a time finding sponsors to send items to review. Well I finally speak to someone at Vibease and they agree to send me their product, and I had been entering a giveaway to win a Vibease, and I have entered lots of giveaways and never win nothing but I thought to myself, I will probably win this since I already have one coming that is just my luck. Instead of winning something different, so I could have 2 items to write about. Well sure enough the day I get my notice my Vibease is in the mail, I also get a notice from the lovely Ruby Reviews that I won the Vibease. So I had to decide get them both and gift one?? Or write to Vibease tell them I was the winner and to hold it, and then when I write my product review I to will run a giveaway (and that will bring more people to my site) So that is the route I choose to take!!

Have you ever done anything specifically so you can blog about it afterwards? Well I did stick a battery powered Ph tester inside my vagina to test the fluid for the purpose of blogging about it. I do need to do it again accually, but maybe with test strips instead. I want to compare the PH to what it was before and what it is after takeing probiotics for a month. I want to see if taking RePhresh accually makes your vaginal PH normal. Because mine is abnormal! Also I want to douche with water see if that changes it for the good or bad. I also want to do a month and not smoke, drink, or let my bf jizz in me, drink a lot of water (no rePhresh) and see if just being healthy will make it healthy! Science!!!

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