My favorite porn
My favorite porn from when I was a teen girl!!! Its the only video that was a turn on to me. Everything about it. The music (my favorite...

Public Sex Fantasy...Dogging
So I have always loved to have sex in public. In my car in the park, on my car in the mountains, sex on the beach, sex in the grass in a...

Blogger Q&A
What’s your blog name/online handle and how did you come up with the idea? Well it was actually hard, I wanted to keep my old handle from...
Sex Questions
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation? Honestly I am pretty lazy and will forever be more fond of sex! 2. Your 5...

Orgasm, YAY!
As some may be aware, I have never been able to have an orgasm, I get wet when having sex and what not, but I don't get the whole body...

Happy Mothers Day
Did u know that this is really a month to celebrate women and our amazing body's. This week is national clitoral awareness. And this...

Does Penis Size Matter? (opinion piece)
I have been with men with very small penises, and yes it may be a bummer. One guy i could barley feel inside me. Another had a nice long...

Sex Position Of The Month- The Spider aka Crab Walk
Great for... Long slow intercourse How does it work? Start with her sitting facing and astride him. The the woman lies back, followed...

How to have lesbian sex
Remember That All Vaginas Are Different And different vaginas like different things, which is why it’s hard for us to give you any...

How to eat pussy
Hey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to eat pussy because there are too few of you out there. And I’m not the only...