My favorite porn

My favorite porn from when I was a teen girl!!! Its the only video that was a turn on to me. Everything about it. The music (my favorite band, I hooked up with the singer 10 yrs ago...met him at his show) ...the visuals, the tattoos, the tattooed penis, the fast pace, the glass dildo! Everything! It gets me wet every time for the past decade!!!
So I would like to thank for being amazing & being the 1st porn to turn me on, THANK YOU CHASE LISBON FOR HAVING SUCH A SEXY MIND!
The Icarus line 4 being such sexy rock n roll in a era when rock was going to shit, they are my inspiration, where my AIM email and twitter @fashi0nablynumb comes from, their song lyrics! Also thank you to Alt porn for being made into a industry where blonde and faux was the norm!!
If anyone loves me and comes across the youth is wasted on the young OR the young idea DVDS buy it for me! I missed one on ebay for 10$ :-( I need the dvds in my life!
Also check out the artist/directors movie that can still be found!!
and here for your viewing enjoyment is an interview with the creator!!!