Orgasm, YAY!
As some may be aware, I have never been able to have an orgasm, I get wet when having sex and what not, but I don't get the whole body...

Menstrual Cup from Amazon
This is going to be my second go at using a menstrual cup, the first time sucked with my bf having to get it out for me. I got this one...

Crush Mi Amor by Pipedream
So I just got this little cutie today in the mail, and I love it to pieces. It came with the 3 battery's it needed and instructions on...

Clone A Willy Review
Kit Contains: Molding powder body safe silicone (2 jars) Vibrator stir stick molding tube thermometer How to use: Get everything you need...

Got my package today, reviews coming soon!
So today I got this package in the mail, all of them are things I wanted! I had sent the lady a list of everything they sell that was of...

Moon Cup Massacure
As you may be able to tell from the title my experience with the mooncup was a gory one. My poor boyfriend was involved and is...

Topco Climax Minis- Mighty Max Mini Massager
So this little guy is totally affordable, my friend got it at only $11 on sale. She is a prostitute, and had just bought it to keep in...

Sex Position Of The Month...The Cat
This is my favorite, my man just did it one day while his dick was semi-hard. After I made a comment about rubbing against my clit...

Affordable Butt Plug
I just received this product from my sponsor happy n healthy thru amazon. If you want to order from them check them out here...

Kegal Ball Reviews
These are the third kegal balls I purchased. The first ones I got were recommend for beginners and they were far to big and hard to get...